Starting with Personal Auto Policies that expire in middle of March 2017, you will notice a new and simpler procedure for renewing your auto policy. We will automatically renew policies, sending them out to you with an invoice, at least 45 days in advance of the expiration date.
We trust that our clients will appreciate the convenience of this new procedure, but please take note of the following:
- Let us know as soon as a change is needed in your automobile insurance program – please do not wait for the renewal of the policy. For example, if you have sold a vehicle, let us know as soon as you do this so that we can delete the vehicle from the policy and return the unearned premium.
- Please remember that the VI Code requires that you provide a copy of the canceled registration for us to delete coverage for a vehicle.
- If you receive your renewal and a change is needed, no problem; we can still make changes before the renewal – just let us know before the renewal date.
- IMPORTANT – Payment is required before the expiration date of the policy – or the renewal will not go into effect. If premium financing is needed, please contact your Client Service Representative as soon as possible.
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