Marshall & Sterling Insurance is the exclusive agent for NYMIR, representing both Orange & Ulster County municipalities, and a proud Corporate Sponsor at the recent Orange County Association of Towns, Villages and Cities conference held in NYC.
NYMIR is the top ranking insurance program for local governments in New York State. As stewards of the public trust, New York’s local governments need the protection of adequate and appropriate insurance. In the mid to late 1980’s, New York’s municipalities did not have this necessary liability protection and were facing an insurance crisis. Affordable and comprehensive insurance coverage was simply not available to many local governments. In 1993, NYMIR was founded. Over the years their members have increased in numbers, with more than 1600 general purpose municipalities as current members, making NYMIR the largest municipal property and casualty underwriter in the entire state. NYMIR is run by local gov’t officials and responsive to the constant changing needs of today’s municipalities.
The Association of Towns of the State of New York was established in 1933 to help towns obtain greater economy and efficiency. The association serves town governments by providing training programs, research and information services, technical assistance, legal services, insurance programs and a variety of publications to members. Membership consists solely of towns, and has grown to over 97% of all towns.
Marshall & Sterling is among the largest privately-owned insurance agencies in the United States and has the industry expertise, attentive care and support each customer deserves. We are committed to exceeding each and every clients expectation for quality insurance and customer service. Learn more in our Municipal Insurance section.
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