For better or worse, your automobile insurance premium is a direct result of your driving record. This amount is determined by the insurance company to cover the costs of insuring you and your family as drivers on the road. Want to lower your premium? Keep your driving record clean!
Before giving you a premium price quote for your automobile coverage, insurance companies look at your driving record for the last three to five years. How can that affect your premium?
- Your driving record reveals how risky you would be as an insured.
- Those with lots of tickets and/or accidents are considered more of a potential liability because statistically, they will get into more accidents and have more tickets in the future.
Safe Driving Pays!
If you have no accidents or tickets (especially moving violations) on your record recently, you may be eligible for a lower rate. You may also be eligible for a significant discount after several years of good driving, or be eligible for an accident forgiveness program if you’ve gone several years without an accident on your record.
The video below gives a quick run-down of a basic auto policy, and the protections to look for in your own policy. Speak with one of our independent agents to discuss your car insurance needs, learn more about safe driving discounts, and look into other factors that may be affecting your rates.
Tips Every Driver Should Know:
- Driving Safe on Slick Roads
- Preparing for Cold Weather Driving
- Avoid Distracted Driving Dangers
- Prevent Blind Spots by Properly Adjusting your Mirrors
- Navigate Your Next Accident with Ease
- How to Make a Claim After an Auto Accident
- 4 Ways to Avoid Towing Scams
- Ensure Teen Driver Safety, and Keep Their Costs Down
Personal Insurance