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NY Time Off to Vote & Notice Requirement

The April 2019 change to the NY Election law permitting all employees to request up to three hours of paid time off to vote for any election, regardless of work schedule has been revised and replaced with a new law effective April 3, 2020.

The current NY Election law requires employers provide up to two hours of paid time off to vote for any election if an employee does not have four consecutive hours to vote either from the opening of the polls to the beginning of their work shift, or four consecutive hours between the end of a working shift and the closing of the polls. The employee must notify an employer at least two working days prior to their intention to take time off to vote, but not more than ten working days. The employer may designate the time off to vote at the beginning or end of a working shift.

Additionally, at least 10 working days prior to election day, all employers must post a notice of the voting leave provisions and keep it posted until polls close on Election Day.

>> Click here for the law and notice

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