
Insight & advice from the experts at Marshall & Sterling

Loss Control Tips: Water Damage
A leak or water damage incident in one unit can easily affect other areas of your building. Take heed of these loss control tips.
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How to Manage Business Risks
A risk management plan involves implementing various techniques that can help mitigate or prevent loss. There are multiple ways a company can organize its risk management plan, but steps commonly consist of identifying, assessing, and managing risks.
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Understanding Your Commercial Auto Insurance Premiums
Auto insurance rates are based on several factors: frequency and severity of crashes, auto repair costs, medical and hospital costs, lawsuits and court judgments, insurance fraud, vehicle type, and deductibles. This means that while your company’s inherent level of risk is a factor that affects the premium you will pay for auto insurance, that amount is also affected by factors that are not directly controlled by the company.
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Preventing Water Damage
One of the most common causes of water damage within your home is often preventable. After all, this form of damage isn’t always due to heavy rainstorms or melting snow. Rather, water damage often stems from a lack of home maintenance.
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Cyber Liability Insurance
As technology becomes increasingly important for successful business operations, the value of a strong cyber liability insurance policy will only continue to grow. The continued rise in the amount of information stored and transferred electronically has resulted in a remarkable increase in the potential exposures facing businesses. In an age where a stolen laptop or hacked account can instantly compromise the personal data of thousands of customers, or an ill-advised post on a social media site can be read by hundreds in a matter of minutes, protecting yourself from cyber liability is just as important as some of the more traditional exposures businesses account for in their general commercial liability policies.
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8 Common Car Insurance Myths
Auto insurance can be complex and difficult to understand. With all the information available to policyholders, it can be challenging to decipher the facts from myths. Knowing what’s covered under your auto policy and the factors that determine your premium is crucial. What’s more, not understanding your coverage may lead you to believe you’re covered when that may not be the case.
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Personal Cyber Coverage Explained
Typically offered as an endorsement to a homeowners policy, this form of coverage can provide financial protection for losses resulting from a range of cyber incidents—including fraud, identity theft and data breaches. Keep reading to learn more about the growing need for this coverage and the key types of personal cyber insurance available.
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How to Create a Spending Plan
Once you have a general idea of how much you need to save each month to reach your retirement goal, you need to determine where you will find the money. There’s one simple trick for saving for any goal: spend less than you earn. The first step is to get organized by creating a spending plan or budget.
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Home Office Ergonomics
Working from home comes with its own set of challenges. If an employee finds themselves working from home for a prolonged period of time, it is especially important to take steps to prevent ergonomic injuries. Taking small steps can go a long way to injury prevention at home.
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Why You Should Conduct a Home Inventory
Though your homeowner's insurance policy provides the protection that you need in the event of a loss such as a fire or burglary, your policy can only pay for items that you can document. In order to assure that all your prize possessions will be replaced, you should conduct a home inventory, so you have a finite record of everything that you own.
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