
Insight & advice from the experts at Marshall & Sterling

Making Resolutions That Last for the Entire Year
The new year usually comes along with new resolutions—spending less, being more active and so on. However, keeping a new resolution a few months down the road can take some serious dedication. Here are a few tips to ensure that your resolutions will last all the way until 2024:
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3 New Years Resolutions You'll Want to Make - And Keep
It's that time again -- the new year means new goals and resolutions. Are you looking for a resolution that will stick longer than last year's vow to visit the gym every day? We've come up with three that can have a big impact!
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Resolve to Check in on Your Insurance
From year to year, our insurance needs can change. The new year is a perfect time to sit and reflect on those changes.
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Keep Fireplace Safety in Mind this Winter
The U.S. Fire Administration estimates that 75% of confined home heating fires occur in the chimney and flue of your fireplace. Nevertheless, performing simple safety practices and maintenance on your fireplace can help keep your fireplace in good condition, ensuring your family and home stay safe. Here are some top fireplace safety tips to consider.
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Prioritizing Your Emotional Well-Being During the Holidays
While the holiday season and end-of-year parties can be full of festive fun, they can also be stressful and take a toll on your emotional well-being. Putting your emotional wellness on the backburner may cause mood changes and feelings of irritability, hopelessness and isolation. As holiday celebrations pick up, consider the following tips to help prioritize your emotional well-being.
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Winter Vehicle Storage Tips
As winter approaches, it’s time to think about safely storing your recreational vehicle—or any other vehicle that won’t be in use—to avoid damage from the harsh weather and roads. By doing so, you can keep your vehicle in good condition for spring. Utilize the following guidance to properly prepare and store your vehicle this winter.
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Holiday Decorating Safety Tips
To keep your home and family safe throughout this holiday season, consider the following decorating tips.
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Legalized Marijuana and DOT Drug Testing Rules for Commercial Drivers
The DOT drug testing rules require employees in certain safety-sensitive positions to be tested for Schedule 1 drugs. As a result, these developments have raised questions about whether these employees may use a derivative of marijuana called cannabidiol (CBD) and whether these developments have any other effect on the drug testing rules.
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Preventing Burnout During The Holidays
Everyday life is hectic enough without the added stress of the holidays. The season’s challenges include attending celebrations, coordinating gift-giving, planning finances and balancing various family obligations. It’s no wonder that burnout can feel unbearable during this time of the year.
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Keep Your Home Pest Free This Fall
As fall and winter bring colder temperatures, the warm interior of your home can provide shelter, breeding spaces and access to nourishment for household pests. Keep the following tips in mind when working to keep pests out of your home.
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