
Insight & advice from the experts at Marshall & Sterling

Webinar: 2021 Employee Benefit Compliance Updates
Join Dannielle Mattes, Esq., Marshall & Sterling’s in-house Health Care Reform attorney, for a complimentary webinar, as she provides an overview on key compliance matters for employers to be aware of in 2021.
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Preparing for Workers’ Compensation Premium Audits
Review this guidance to learn more about premium audits, how to prepare for an audit and next steps following an audit.
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Using Herbicides and Pesticides Safely
Herbicides and pesticides are very effective in protecting plant life from pests; however, they can be dangerous to your health and the health of others. It is important that you observe the following safety precautions when working with herbicides or pesticides.
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Earthquakes - Are you Protected?
When it comes to earthquake coverage, our team can offer you recommendations and help find the policy that best fits your needs. 
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CDC Issues Long-awaited Guidance for Fully Vaccinated People
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released new guidance for people who have been fully vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine.
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American Rescue Plan - Impact on Employers
This E-Alert summarizes two measures included in the ARPA which are of particular interest to employers—the subsidy for COBRA premiums and the expansion of FFCRA leave.
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Overview of the American Rescue Plan
The American Rescue Plan, has been signed into law by President Joe Biden. This article outlines the most relevant provisions included in the bill.
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Terrorism Insurance for Pawnbrokers
This article will set out to try and explain briefly the aspects to terrorism insurance and what it is and what it covers.
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COVID-19 Benefit Deadline Extensions Update
We recently provided an update on the looming end date for COVID-19 related benefit deadline extensions. The agencies have now provided clarity on how the one-year limit to the “Outbreak Period” extension applies – holding that impacted benefit plan deadline extensions won't expire on Feb. 28, 2021.
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5 Spring Home Maintenance Tasks To Tackle First
Springtime brings a new set of responsibilities that you should be aware of in order to keep your home in good shape. Consider these home maintenance tips as you gear up for spring:
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