
Insight & advice from the experts at Marshall & Sterling

Halloween Safety Tips for the Whole Family
Halloween is a fun time for children and adults alike. However, there are many precautions to keep in mind in order to enjoy the holiday safely.

The following are just a few general tips to keep in mind:
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Is Your Employee Safety Incentive Program Effective?
As the owner or manager of a small business, your attitude toward job safety and health will be reflected by your employees. If you are not interested in preventing employee injury and illness, your employees will probably not give safety and health much thought either.
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Office Fire Prevention Tips
Fires are a serious risk for businesses of all types. It’s up to you to take the proper precautions to keep yourself, your co-workers and  safe from fire hazards.

Lower the Risks of Fire
There are some simple things you can do to prevent fires:
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Fall Maintenance Tips for your Organization
Fall is upon us, and Winter is on its way. That means it's the perfect time for some building and property maintenance to help you ease your organization into cooler weather, and whatever Mother Nature throws your way. Here are some items to add to your maintenance list this Fall that may help improve safety at your organization.  
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Silver Level - AHA Workplace Health
Our team is honored to be recognized by the American Heart Association for reaching the Silver level for Workplace Health Achievement.
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The Dangers of Driving and Allergy Medications
In many areas of the United States, 10 out of 12 months of the year is considered “allergy season”. When your body comes in contact with whatever may trigger allergies, it produces chemicals called histamines. Histamines cause the tissue in your nose to swell (making it feel stuffy), your nose and eyes to run, and itchy eyes.
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Benefits of Bundling Commercial Policies
Insurance carriers realize that offering additional lines of coverage to an existing customer is less expensive than trying to attract new customers. They also know that the more lines a given customer has, the longer they’re likely to stay with them.
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How Opioid Use Affects Workers’ Compensation
Prescription opioids are the number one workers’ compensation problem in terms of controlling the ultimate cost of indemnity losses. This comes from a recent Lockton Companies report that also states that there’s never been a more damaging impact on workers’ compensation claims than the abuse of opioid prescriptions for the management of chronic pain.
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Windstorm Protection Tips for Businesses
Businesses can suffer an incredible amount of damage from windstorms and hurricanes. Before hurricane season hits, business owners can reduce their exposure to these losses by checking on their roof, windows, entry doors and vehicles.

Inspect your Building
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Start Preparing for Hurricanes Now
Hurricane Season: The Importance of Being Prepared
From June through November, hurricanes are at their peak. As we know, heavy rains and catastrophic winds can severely damage or destroy homes and businesses. The best way to minimize damage from a hurricane is to be prepared before one strikes.
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