
Insight & advice from the experts at Marshall & Sterling

Travel Insurance
Your vacation may have taken months to plan. Travel insurance can protect against possible financial losses if you are forced to cancel, delay or interrupt your vacation. Insure your investment for non-refundable losses with a travel insurance policy. 
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Don't Let Unpredictable Summer Weather Affect Your Business
Summer is known to be the season of fun in the sun – but it also brings the threat of dangerous storms. Summer weather can become extreme with thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornados, and the threat of flooding on top of it all. Don’t get caught unprepared in an emergency.
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Your Alarm System May Not Be Protecting Your Property
It’s no secret that the alarm system protecting your business is your first line of defense when detecting intruders attempting to gain entrance into your shop when it is closed for business. It is also a known fact that not all alarm systems are created equal - some being better than others, following the old adage “you get what you pay for."
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Employee Theft Can Devastate Any Business
In your company, there are many possible types of employee theft. Your warehouse offers an opportunity for stealing products. In addition, employees working a cash register may offer unauthorized discounts to friends, ring up items under the wrong label or steal cash or credit card information.
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ACA Affordability Threshold Rises in 2019
This E-Alert is of interest to applicable large employers - generally those with 50 or more full-time employees (including full-time equivalent employees). Under the ACA’s employer shared responsibility ("pay or play") provisions, large employers may be subject to a penalty if they do not offer affordable coverage that provides minimum value to their full-time employees and their dependents.
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Quiet Vehicles Pose a Risk to Unaware Pedestrians
Electric cars from Tesla, Nissan and other automakers continue to make headlines, but anyone who’s had one sneak up behind them while on foot knows how quiet they are. These vehicles, along with hybrid cars, run much more quietly than gas-powered cars and can pose a serious risk to unaware pedestrians. 
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IRS Releases 2019 HSA Contribution Limits
The IRS has released the inflation adjusted amounts for 2019 relevant to HSAs and high deductible health plans (HDHPs) via  Rev. Proc. 2018-30. 
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Reminder: Due Date to Submit 2017 EEO-1 Report Extended to June 1
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has pushed back the deadline for required entities to submit their 2017 EEO-1 report to June 1, 2018.
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Preparing Your Home and Family for a Tornado
When it comes to tornadoes, there’s no substitute for advanced planning. During peak tornado season—between May and August—storms that produce tornadoes can develop quickly, so it’s important for you and your family to know exactly what to do before, during and after a twister strikes.
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Spotting Fake IDs
Whether it happens with your customers or in the process of hiring a new employee, it is vital to recognize the differences between fake identification documents and genuine documentation.
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