
Insight & advice from the experts at Marshall & Sterling

Using Technology to Improve Home Safety
As a homeowner, one of your top priorities is keeping your property and family safe from intruders. With the advent of smart homes and new technology, home security is easier and more affordable than ever.

The following are some new technologies that can protect you and your loved ones from criminals:
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IRS Announces Revised 2018 HSA Contribution Limits
On March 5, 2018, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Revenue Procedure 2018-18, which adjusts the limits for various tax sections, including Code Section 223/HSAs.
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Addressing Sexual Misconduct Allegations with Insurance
Allegations of sexual misconduct against politicians, celebrities and other public figures have become increasingly common in recent years. In fact, social movements and a strong public outcry have led to a marked increase in sexual harassment claims—claims that can be incredibly damaging for organizations themselves.
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Vacation Rental and Home Sharing Risks to Consider
Just a few years ago, taking a trip involved contacting travel agencies, booking hotel rooms and making plans far in advance. Today, however, smartphones and the internet have helped create new sharing services that allow homeowners to connect with travelers and rent out their homes, spare bedrooms or other accommodations for a fee.
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Pet Photo Contest
At Marshall & Sterling, we love our pets! And we know you do too. We can't wait to see your adorable and silly photos. 
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5 Must-Do’s for Employee Orientation
Employee orientation is an important piece of HR and employee management. A formal orientation is essential to setting a new hire up for success and helping your company maintain the corporate image and values you portrayed during the interview process.
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Who Needs an Umbrella Liability Policy? (Probably You)
Accidents happen, and it’s not uncommon for jury awards and out-of court settlements to run into the millions of dollars. While it’s difficult to pinpoint the monetary consequences of the risks you and your family take each day, are you certain your current home or auto insurance offers you enough protection? 
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Are You Under-insured?
In all honesty, how carefully do you check the details and content of your insurance policy?  If you’ve answered “not that much” then please continue reading!
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25 Most Commonly Stolen Passwords of 2017
How clever is your password? If it’s on the list below, your password is just as easily stolen as it is remembered. Protect yourself by making sure you’re not using one of the top 25 most commonly stolen passwords of 2017, as determined by IT security firm SplashData.
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ACA "Cadillac Tax" and Health Insurance Tax Delayed
On January 22, President Trump signed into law a short-term spending bill after it was passed by both chambers of Congress earlier that day. The bill includes delays or suspensions of three taxes under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and a six-year extension of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). 
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