
Insight & advice from the experts at Marshall & Sterling

DOL Announces New Standard for Unpaid Interns
On Jan. 5, 2018, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced that it would adopt a new standard for determining whether interns and students are “employees” who must be paid under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
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Benefits of D&O Insurance for Private Companies
With today's emphasis on Corporate transparency and accountability, an organization's directors and officers face a countless number of exposures. Regardless of your company's size or mission, the legal costs associated with a lawsuit can be crippling for both the organization and your directors and officers.
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Responding to Ransomware Attacks
Although all types of cyber attacks are dangerous, ransomware is quickly becoming the most popular way for hackers to exploit businesses. In mid-2017, the WannaCry ransomware attack affected over 250,000 devices in at least 150 countries and caused massive financial damage.
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Reduce Your Liquor Liability Risk
Businesses that serve alcohol expect their employees or patrons to have a good time and act in a responsible manner. What they don’t expect, however, is to find out that they are liable for the actions of an intoxicated person. While the vast majority of businesses serve alcohol without incident, the harsh reality is that lawsuits related to liquor liability are filed each day.
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The Benefits of Crime Insurance
As a leader within your organization, you want to trust your employees and the people you do business with. However, the reality is that no business is immune to the threat of crime and fraud.
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10 Employee Retention Resolutions for 2018
With a new year upon us, your attention is likely focused on setting financial and productivity goals for your business. As you plan, make sure to look at one area you may have overlooked: employee retention. Employee retention has a huge impact on your bottom line, and now is a great time to make some employee retention resolutions that will pay off all year long.
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Keep Your Pipes From Freezing
One of the messiest and most costly homeowner repairs is fixing a burst frozen pipe. Water from a burst pipe can cause damage to carpeting, short out electrical appliances and ruin furniture. Water expands as it freezes and puts significant pressure on the metal or plastic pipes that hold it.
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Insurance Considerations for Newlyweds
After the wedding excitement is over, your real life together begins. Choosing insurance may not be as romantic as deciding where to go on your honeymoon, but it is one of the most important things you can do as newlyweds.
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Stay Safe with Space Heaters
For some of us, the onset of colder weather means heating our homes or work areas with temporary heaters. When used correctly, these heaters can make the working environment much more comfortable. However, when used incorrectly, they present a significant risk of fire or even explosion.
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Snowplow Safety
Quick and efficient snow removal is essential to businesses, as snow buildup can present a hazard to both drivers and pedestrians. When using a truck-mounted plow to clear snow from private property, it is important for you to pay attention to your surroundings and not to sacrifice safety for speed.

Before You Begin
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