
Insight & advice from the experts at Marshall & Sterling

2017 ACA Reporting Extension
On December 22, 2017, the IRS published Notice 2018-06 extending for a third time the deadline for furnishing ACA reporting forms to enrollees and employees.
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What To Do If A Blizzard Traps You In Your Car
Winter storms can range from a moderate snow over a few hours to a blizzard with blinding, wind-driven snow that lasts for several days. Many winter storms are accompanied by dangerously low temperatures and sometimes by strong winds, ice, sleet and freezing rain.
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Don't Let Winter Weather Affect Your Business
Winter weather is unpredictable and can have a large impact on your business. While maintaining business operations is always at the forefront of your mind, it is important to consider employee safety as well. You should have policies and procedures in place before bad weather hits so that your company and employees are as prepared as possible.
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ACA Individual Mandate Repealed in 2019 Under Tax Reform Bill 
On December 20, Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which makes substantial changes to individual and corporate provisions of the U.S. tax code. Learn More.
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How Hiring Holiday Help Impacts ‘Pay or Play’ Compliance
Employers that hire seasonal workers this holiday season are reminded that there is an exception when measuring workforce size to determine whether they are an applicable large employer (ALE) subject to the Affordable Care Act's employer shared responsibility ("pay or play") and corresponding information reporting provisions.
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ACA Employer Mandate Penalties Are Imminent
The IRS has taken actions indicating that employer mandate penalties under the ACA are about to be enforced—recently announcing that it would begin sending pay or play penalty notices to employers this quarter.
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Snowmobiling - Stay Safe & Warm
Snowmobiling is a thrilling yet risky way to enjoy the great outdoors. Accidents can happen in the blink of an eye - that's why it's important to remember a few key points before you head out on the trails.

Keep your rides scenic and safe with the following safety recommendations:
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The Benefits of Raising Your Auto Insurance Limits
Insurance is mandatory in order to operate a vehicle in the United States, and every state has specific coverage limits that you must meet. While meeting these minimum limits may be enough to get you on the road, they are often inadequate if you are involved in a serious accident. As such, you may want to consider raising your limits in order to secure the right protection.
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The Importance of Shutting Off Utilities During a Disaster
After a disaster where utilities have been disrupted, there may be a need to turn off certain utilities in order to control additional damage from the disaster. This usually involves turning off one or more of the following: natural gas, water and electricity.
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Prevent Vehicle Rust
While dirt on a vehicle is unsightly, it can also wear away your car’s finish and accelerate rusting. This can be expensive, difficult to reverse and even negatively affect your car’s resale value.

To protect your car’s finish, practice the following:
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