
Insight & advice from the experts at Marshall & Sterling

HR News & Updates for November
Election Day is November 8th! Are Your Employees Entitled to Voting Leave?

With Election Day quickly approaching, private sector employers should be aware of their obligations under state law to provide voting leave for their employees.
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Tips For Managing Your Workplace Stress
Although dealing with stress is a normal part of everyday life, it is important to be on the lookout for some of the early warning signs of unhealthy stress. These early symptoms include depression, anxiety, insomnia and headaches.
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Safety Matters When Welding and Cutting at the Work Site
Welding and cutting tasks are dangerous, especially when working on a construction site. As your surroundings are constantly changing, it is important to keep safety top of mind.

Prevention and Protection
To avoid injuries on the job, consider these safety recommendations:
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IRS Issues 2017 Health FSA Limit Increase
The annual limit on Health Flexible Spending Account (FSA) contributions is adjusted each year for inflation. On October 25, 2016, the IRS released Revenue Procedure 2016-55, confirming a $50 increase for 2017 in the health FSA salary reduction contribution limit to $2,600.
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Clean Your Gutters Before Winter Sets In
Gutters divert rain away from your home and are its first line of defense against water damage. However, as autumn progresses, leaves, twigs and other debris can clog your gutters and cause significant damage to your home.
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Tips to Ensure Teen Driver Safety & Keep Insurance Costs Down
Car crashes are one of the greatest dangers your teens face. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the risk of motor vehicle accidents is higher among 16- to 19-year-olds than among any other age group—they are nearly three times more likely to crash than older drivers!
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HR News & Updates for October
Top 5 Tips on Adopting & Enforcing A Time-Off Policy

Whether paid or unpaid, time-off is an important respite that allows employees to take vacations, attend to personal or family business, or simply rest and recharge. However, managers and employees alike must recognize that not every request for time off can be approved.
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Search Engine Risks
Your company, like most, depends on the capabilities of your computer systems to function. You should be aware that simple actions your employees take could be putting your company’s equipment and networks at risk of cyber crime, including cyber attacks, cyber theft and other computer security incidents.
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Staying Safe Around Asbestos
Even though most uses of asbestos have been banned, it can still be found in a variety of products, such as building materials and vehicle brakes. Employees can be exposed to this hazardous material during many construction tasks, such as renovations and demolitions.
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Stay Safe After the Storm - 20 Tips You Need to Know
If Hurricane Matthew is affecting your area, it is important to know the following tips for what to do after a hurricane:
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