
Insight & advice from the experts at Marshall & Sterling

The Story Your Mod Reveals
For many employers, workers’ compensation insurance is all about one number—the premium quoted. Understandably, employers want to pay the lowest amount possible on this mandatory coverage.
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Medicare Part D Notice Due by October 14
Each year, group health plan sponsors that provide prescription drug coverage to Medicare eligible individuals must disclose whether that coverage is "creditable," meaning it is expected to pay on average as much as the standard Medicare prescription drug plan.
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Navigate Your Next Car Accident With Ease Using These Tips
Getting into an automobile accident is scary enough without the added stress of being unsure how to handle the situation. We want you to have all the necessary information to navigate this trying experience with ease.

Here’s how to maneuver through this process:
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Using Child Safety Seats Correctly
Child car seats substantially reduce the risk of fatal injury to children in passenger vehicles; however, 3 out of 4 are not selected or installed correctly. According to the National Safe Kids Campaign, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among children younger than 15 in the United States.
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Protecting Your Intellectual Property
Intellectual property—patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets—may be more important to your business than tangible assets. There are various avenues you can take to protect them from competitors and, more importantly, thieves. It is estimated that intellectual property theft costs domestic companies over $300 billion a year in lost revenue.
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Plan Ahead for Security & Disaster Readiness
Preparing for disasters and other unforeseen threats is an important part of preparing your business for longevity today. 
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Reminder - HSA Plan Limits for 2017
Each year, the IRS adjusts the annual amounts for Health Savings Account (HSA) contributions, high-deductible health plan (HDHP) deductibles, and related out-of-pocket maximums (OOPM).
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The Basics of Life Insurance
Life insurance isn’t a pleasant thing to think about, and it may seem like an unnecessary expense. But if you have dependents who rely on you for financial support, then life insurance is really about protecting them in case something happens to you.
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Construction Companies: The Next Cyber Target?
According to a recent report from SecurityScorecard, construction was the third most secure industry when it came to cyber attacks. However, experts warn that the high ranking wasn’t due to proactive security measures.
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Saving Money on Car Insurance – The Simple Truths
Lots of insurance companies promise to save you money on your car insurance, but there are some simple truths that will greatly affect what your premiums will be.
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