
Insight & advice from the experts at Marshall & Sterling

HR News & Updates for July
5 Must-Have Forms and Records for New Hires

As an employer, one of your most important responsibilities when hiring new employees is to complete and secure necessary forms and records. The following are key requirements under federal law:
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The Importance of Renters Insurance
What Protection Does it Offer?
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Top ACA Compliance Pitfalls & How to Avoid Them
Health care reform, driven by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), is changing the landscape of employee benefits. Adhering to and understanding the various complex requirements and regulations under the ACA presents new challenges for employers.
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Why Choose Employment Practices Liability Insurance?
From the moment that you start the pre-hiring process until the exit interview, you are vulnerable to an employment-related lawsuit. As a result, your business should take a hard look at whether it can afford to defend itself against alleged wrongful employment practices accusations.
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Solution for Navigating ACA Compliance
Employers everywhere are trying to stay on top of the ever-changing complexities of the Affordable Care Act. With the potential for severe non-compliance penalties looming, it's more important than ever that your company have its bases covered, along with the ability to prove it!
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Protect Yourself (and Your Employees) From the Zika Virus
In 2015, for the first time, cases of Zika virus infection emerged in the Americas and the Caribbean. In the past, Zika virus historically had been found in Africa, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands.
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What is Social Engineering?
Reliable security systems can prevent losses for your business. While many businesses invest large sums of money into building sound physical structures and robust IT systems or even hiring on-site security guards, they often overlook the biggest security vulnerability—people.
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Before You Throw Your Next Party, Read These Tips!
Hosting a party at your home can be a fun way to connect with your friends and family - especially around graduation time. However, it’s important to ensure the safety of your guests while you’re hosting them. There are countless ways that you can be held legally responsible if someone gets hurt on your property.
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HR News & Updates for June
6 Factors for Deciding Whether to Pay Interns

Have you hired interns for this summer, or are you planning to? While it can be tempting to allow such individuals to volunteer at your place of business or pay less than the minimum wage, the fact is that internships are most often considered "employment" subject to the federal minimum wage and overtime rules. 
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Stay Safe in the Sun
Warm weather is here to stay, and as fun or relaxing as it sounds to bask in the sunshine all day, it is also dangerous for your health. Skin cancer is not only dangerous, but common – it is the most common form of cancer in the United States and over two million people are diagnosed annually.
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