
The latest news and happenings at Marshall & Sterling

NY! Are you ready for Paid Family Leave? View our guide.
Starting January 1, 2018, New York Paid Family Leave becomes a mandatory employee paid leave benefit. Virtually all private employers employing one or more employees at least 30 days in any calendar year are required to obtain Paid Family Leave insurance which will be added as a rider to the disability insurance policy you already carry. 
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Homeowners Insurance Policy Questions & Answers
The best time to learn about what’s included in a basic homeowners insurance policy is before you have a claim. We’ve gathered the answers to the most common “Am I covered if...” questions about your homeowners insurance policy to help you to minimize any coverage surprises.
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Marshall & Sterling Honored with “TRENDSETTERS AWARD” from National Safety Council
We are proud to announce that the National Safety Council has  awarded Marshall & Sterling Insurance with a “Trendsetters Award” at their 2017 Congress & Exposition, held on September 23, 2017 in Indianapolis, IN.
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Tim Dean Honored with Community Service Award
Our president, Tim Dean, received the “Community Service Award” at the annual Professional Insurance Agents of NYS board of directors dinner held Sept. 12, 2017. The PIANY Community Service Award recognizes individuals who demonstrate a significant commitment to the improvement of his or her community.
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Restoring Your Business After a Flood
Hurricanes and floods can be miserable ordeals, even with extensive preparation. They can spring up with little to no warning and saddle you with the responsibility of a lengthy, expensive restoration period. Your business could be underwater in a flash, and you could be faced with mounting repair bills and extended interruption to your business.
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Summer Boating Safety
Water sports, relaxing in the sun and splashing in the water are great ways to make memories with family and friends. Water lovers must be careful near the marina and dock, though, to assure that their getaways are safe ones. If you are hitting the open waters this season, don’t forget these safety tips!

Docking Tips:
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If A Tree Falls, Who Pays?
Storms are responsible for felling countless trees and limbs each year. Unfortunately, some of those fallen trees damage homes and other property.

Cleaning up the damage from a storm can be a difficult task, both physically and emotionally, and things can become especially tense when you discover that it’s your neighbor’s tree that damaged your house.
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Be Alert - Watch For Deer in the Road This Fall
An estimated 1.5 million deer-vehicle crashes occur each year on U.S. roads, resulting in at least $1.1 billion in vehicle damage, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
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Marshall & Sterling Ranked Among Top 100 Insurance Agencies
Each year, Insurance Journal compiles a list of the top 100 Independent Property/Casualty Insurance Agencies. This list is ranked by total property/casualty agency revenue for the previous year, and comprises only those agencies whose business is primarily retail, not wholesale. 
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Thinking of Renting Your Home? These 5 Things Should Be at the Top of Your "To Do" List
Whether you're looking to rent a room in your house, or a second home, condo or apartment, if you are considering renting, take the following considerations to heart before doing so:

Renting To Do’s
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