Each year people vote for the very best in the Virgin Islands… Best Hotels, Best Restaurants, and yes…Best Insurance Agencies! The winners are voted on by people both from the VI and the mainland who know all about what is best on St. Croix, St. Thomas and St. John.

Want to Vote? Text the following codes to: 813-701-2684*

  • Insurance Agency – 4848

  • Insurance Customer Service Team – 4842

  • Auto Insurance – 4844

  • Home & Property Insurance – 4847

  • Health Insurance – 4846

  • Commercial Insurance – 4845

  • Life Insurance – 4849

​*standard text message rates apply

Can’t spare the text messages? Vote online!
Visit bestofvi.com to create an account, then login and use the search function (Ctrl F) in your browser to search for Marshall & Sterling to select the available options for our branches.

Voting is even easier on Social Media!

Just make sure to get your votes in by December 30, 2016 on your favorite social media channels:

  • Tweet to vote once in each of the same categories listed above, using the same exact codes. Just make sure you tweet out: #BOVI(space)4-digit code of your choice. (Example: #BOVI2017 4848)
  • On Facebook, visit www.facebook.com/BestOfVI
  • On Instagram, you can vote by selfie! Snap a selfie and upload it to Instagram using #BOVI2017 followed by one of the codes above (Example: #BOVI2017 4848). Make sure to tag @bestofvi.


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