Pharmacy Advisory Services
Our prescription for your success.
Control costs on your biggest Rx spending without sacrificing quality.

Expert guidance for managing pharmacy benefits programs.
Managing prescription costs is critical to reducing one of the main cost drivers for employers. Marshall+Sterling helps you achieve impactful savings by opening the door to an extensive network of partners and programs while providing high-quality care for your members.
We work with our partners to provide substantial cost savings and advocacy on one of your most expensive costs—specialty medications. These methods include prescription drug sourcing, specialty co-pay assistance, manufacturer rebates, and voluntary international prescription drug programs.
We partner with pharmacy benefit managers, specialty prescription quality care management programs, and other cost containment vendors to take proactive approaches to your Rx spending, including:
- Prescription re-pricing
- Prescription audits
- Exclusive specialty drug cost savings
- Prescription optimization and cost comparison
- Specialty carve out
- Specialty drug copay assistance and script sourcing
- Patient Assistance Programs (PAP)
- Manufacturer Assistance Programs (MAP)
- Coupon processing
- International prescription importation

Other solutions from Marshall+Sterling.

Business Insurance
Marshall+Sterling can help you analyze and assess your risk, delivering custom solutions to help you protect your business.

Retirement and Wealth
Dedicated to simplifying the complexities of the financial world and supporting you in achieving and protecting what matters most.

Personal Insurance
Whether for your home, auto, RV, or life and health, we have solutions to protect you from whatever life throws your way.

Equine, Farm, and Ranch Insurance
Our Equine Division specializes in personalized plans that encompass a full range of equine, farm, and ranch insurance coverage.