The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) includes a temporary, 100% COBRA subsidy for certain eligible individuals (“Assistance Eligible Individuals”) who lost health care coverage due to an involuntary termination of employment or a reduction in hours.

Subsidy-eligible COBRA qualified beneficiaries who lost coverage before April 2021 must be sent an initial notice, explaining the availability of subsidized COBRA coverage, by May 31st.

More information regarding the ARPA COBRA premium subsidy can be found in our previous E-Alert and a chart summarizing the different model notices and their applicability can be found here.

Special Note for Marshall & Sterling COBRA Clients: Our vendor partners are currently working to get all required notices sent out and the target date for completion is between May 15th and May 21st.

Questions? Contact our Group Benefits team.

Employee Health and Benefits

ACA Compliance